qizi / 56

The author has something to say:

Some content is inconvenient to write in text, so the settings will be supplemented here.

Qizhu’s abilities are locked behind two values, affections level and spiritual strength.

Spiritual Vision, spiritual strength >= 5, detect Qizi’s location.

Spiritual Communication, spiritual strength >= 10, affections level >= 10.

Teleportation, spiritual strength >= 20, affections level >= 20.

Exchange Life for a Life, affections level = 100.

For a normal, bonded pair of sweethearts, their initial affections level is 60-80 on average. Elementary institutions have no training on spiritual power so an overwhelming majority of Qizhu starts out with spiritual strengths of 0 and cannot activate Qizhu abilities.

Bingcan’s and Ling Xiao’s current spiritual strength is 10, which can power first-level soul crystals.

Ying Feng’s spiritual strength is probably around 30, give or take. The instructor thinks he is very impressive, primarily because of his current spiritual strength since there aren’t many couples who have “affections level not up to par”.

Regarding the levels of affections: 10 is nod and say hello when they meet; 20 is chat a bit about topics of common interest; 30 is believe that the other person is friend worth contacting; 40 is meet up for drinks; 50 is harbor secret feelings; 60 is muster the courage to confess; 70 is love-struck; 80 is “not together for one day feels like three autumns have passed”; 90 is willing to promise life and death for each other; 100 is willing to sacrifice one’s life for the other.

Say congrats to Ying Feng and Ling Xiao for their affections breakthrough, from nod and say hello to the next level of chat for a few words, quack quack quack.

When Ling Xiao was in danger a moment ago, among the several people who wanted to rescue him was the Hong Mao duo, and now that the danger was removed, there were some people who moved back to where they were, but the two of them came over again.

“If I’m not mistaken, what you used just now was teleportation right? I’m very impressed, I can’t use that at all.”

“Teleportation?” Ling Xiao caught wind of a new term once more, “Have you mastered a new skill again? Is this one very hard?”

“Teleportation requires both affections and spiritual strength levels to be met. My instructor said our affections level is enough, but I have not attained enough spiritual strength yet, so I have been late to activate it.”

Ling Xiao glanced at Ying Feng and thought to himself, he can also blow a paper ball up to the sky, even if he couldn’t do it before, it was definitely not due to his lack of spiritual strength…

The other party continued to ask Ying Feng, “Your individual strength is so strong, you are probably preparing to apply to the Combat Command Department, right?”

Recognized as the major with the most difficult single-person exams, only the most outstanding Qizhu dare to apply.

“No,” Ying Feng refuted, “The one we want to apply to is the Joint Combat Department.”

When the two people from Shiji heard these words, they both turned their eyes to Ling Xiao in disbelief, their inner thoughts apparent.

As the one who was just recently regarded as the weakest breakthrough point by the beast, Ling Xiao didn’t know how to clarify this issue, so he could only draw back the corner of his lips for an awkward smile.

Thank goodness the Qizhu of the pair reacted swiftly to this, “Oh right, he just lost blood and should be fine once he recovers. Qizhu become much stronger because of their Qizi’s abilities, so it’s clear that both of you should be pretty remarkable. I look forward to being classmates with you,” he politely held out his hand, “I’m Bingcan, this is my Qizi Qian Si, it’s a pleasure to meet you guys.”

The redhead (Hong Mao) called Qian Si faced Ling Xiao and opened his mouth, “I really couldn’t tell you had the strength to also apply to the Joint Combat Department, let’s meet again in the exam room!”

After they exchanged names, Bingcan left with Hong Mao in tow. In the future, their rivals will no longer be comrades from Bikong, but rather elites from every elementary institution. Like Hong Mao, Ling Xiao also impatiently looked forward to the arrival of Yutian’s entrance exams.

Some people are looking forward to the future, while some people already have no future to look forward to. In a certain room of the tenth grade dormitories at Bikong, Zhen He experienced the worst nightmare in his twenty-two years of life. In front of him was the perpetrator who created this nightmare. He was quickly using the power he seized to firmly control Zhen He.

The humiliation of his lifetime was precisely because he looked down at this person. Unable to escape, unable to commit suicide, and more so unable to launch attacks on Qizhu—Zhu Yue also completely cut off his connection to the outside world, and even the dorm’s network equipment was dismantled.

Tremendously despising how he couldn’t devour his flesh and guzzle his blood, there was only one thing he could do now, and that was to stare at him dead-on like this. Although Zhu Yue thoroughly controlled him, his eyes that looked like that still frightened him.

He mustered up more courage, trying as much as possible to not make his voice tremble, “I need power, and also money. I’m going to make the people who look down on me pay the price, so I have to do it this way.”

He did that thing like every day, nipping his own thumb, smearing his own blood that flowed onto Zhen He’s lips, and when he was done, the rage in Zhen He’s eyes would burn even more vigorously.

Zhu Yue swallowed, “But I still need a lot more power right now. Letting you top is the only way I can make it up to you. Wait for me to fully develop, I’ll let you go then.”

Zhen He’s two intense red eyes glowered at him, and from the depths of his throat, he let out a roar and pounced on him.


Two weeks later.

Crawling out of bed drowsily with sleepy eyes, Ling Xiao wasn’t thinking much as he opened the bathroom door. Recently showered and not even wrapped a bath towel around yet, Ying Feng coolly glanced at the intruder, seeming to think that this was a very ordinary matter, and didn’t have the slightest intentions of trying to cover up. On the contrary, Ling Xiao was frightened awake by this and slammed the bathroom door shut with a bang.

Outside the door, Ling Xiao began to regret after his mind cleared up. Why the heck did I react so much, I’m obviously tired of seeing it already, OK? What’s there to be embarrassed about?

But to open the door and go in again at this time also couldn’t help but seem like he was trying too hard to cover it up. A part of him was annoyed by his own behavior while the other part recalled his profound glimpse just now—the dense forest under Ying Feng’s crotch against his light color looked especially striking. That was the symbol of a man’s maturity.

Unreconciled, he secretly pulled a corner of his pants open. Why was it that after so long, that area still looked like a Nestling’s, all smooth and slippery without a single hair in sight?

“What are you doing?” Ying Feng’s voice suddenly appeared behind him, scaring Ling Xiao to hastily let go of his hand.

“Nothing!” he vehemently denied.

Ying Feng frowned. He saw it all very clearly, Ling Xiao was looking down at his crotch with an indignant expression, and now he refused to admit it.

Seeing that he had come out, Ling Xiao bolted to the bathroom as if he were committing daylight robbery, then heavily slammed the door shut again like before.

Baffling. Ying Feng thought.

According to regulations, today is routine physical exams. At the same time, today is also the most crucial day, because it’s physical exam results represent whether Ling Xiao can attend Yutian’s entrance exams in two days.

When they got to the infirmary, it was the same as always, with Ling Xiao waiting outside. Yao Tai was immersed in inputting some data into the computer. When she saw Ying Feng come in, she casually called out, “Coming.”

“Ah.” Ying Feng used a simple syllable to respond to her.

Yao Tai stopped the movement of her hands and raised her head to stare at Ying Feng in astonishment. This sort of gaze made Ying Feng feel strange.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

His voice was so deep and low that it seemed to be coming from the depths of his chest, vibrating the surrounding air and causing a resonance. The immature tones of youth have completely faded from the midst of his voice, leaving only a thrilling low pitch. Reaching the ears, the pitch was like the bells of a chapel, or perhaps a cello amongst a symphony, hitting the bottom of the eardrums.

Yao Tai stood up and found that the youth who she used to look down at now needed her to look up so that she could see him better.

“Come here and measure your height first.”

Holding Ying Feng’s exam results, Yao Tai didn’t say a word for a while. Ying Feng thought there was something wrong with his report.

“Is there a problem?”

“No, no there isn’t,” Yao Tai snapped out of her daze just now, “You’re developing quite well, we can say only too well…” She finally couldn’t help asking, “With you like this, can Ling Xiao’s body bear it?”

Ying Feng didn’t answer. It was unclear whether he didn’t understand or was pretending not to understand.

“Fine,” Yao Tai waved the report in her hand up and down, “There is nothing wrong with your physical exam results, but don’t go celebrating too early, whether you can advance to the next stage still mainly depends on Ling Xiao’s physical. Go outside and wait first.”

Ling Xiao exchanged places with Ying Feng and went in, nervously waiting for the verdict. Yao Tai knew what he cared about most, so after getting the report, the first thing she looked at was the psychological rating.

“Congratulations, your psychological rating has reached an A-, barely above the passing line for admissions to Yutian.”

“Aw yeah!” Ling Xiao was so happy he jumped up from the medical exam table.

Yao Tai was also sincerely happy for him when she saw this scene. As a student who she thought had no hope, to have made this recovery certainly wasn’t easy.

“Your physical development is also going very well. You’ve grown four centimeters taller in a month, it’s good progress.”

Ling Xiao was very proud, “I used to be two centimeters taller than Ying Feng. Now that I’ve grown four centimeters, wouldn’t I be taller than him by six centimeters?”

Yao Tai felt sorry to land this blow on him as she said, “Ying Feng has grown ten centimeters taller, so now he’s already reached 180 centimeters.”

Ling Xiao felt like he was struck by lightning. No wonder he has recently been feeling like Ying Feng had changed, but since he saw him every day, this kind of change that has been dragged on over a period of time was not obvious, so he didn’t realize that Ying Feng had already become taller than himself.

The only advantage in the past ten years, his most complacent spot, was actually crushed to bits in just one short month.

“Qizhu’s growth will of course surpass Qizi’s,” Yao Tai observed his expression, “But don’t be too discouraged, your bones have not closed yet so there’s still a lot more room for growth.”

“Will I grow taller than Ying Feng?” asked Ling Xiao eagerly.

“Qizhu and Qizi either develop at the same time or not at all. Though this sort of appearance, where Qizi is taller than Qizhu, does happen, judging from the current growth rate of the two of you,” Yao Tai softened her tone as much as possible, “it’s already very unlikely.”

Ling Xiao was immediately disheartened and grief-stricken.

Yao Tai coughed, “Although you can’t outgrow him, it shouldn’t be a problem to grow another five or six centimeters before development stops. Among Qizi, this is a very tall and powerful height.”

“That…” Ling Xiao mumbled, “I have another question.”

“Go ahead.”

He hesitated, “Don’t laugh when you hear it.”

“I won’t.” To not laugh at a patient’s private matters, this is a doctor’s professional integrity.

“It’s that…” Ling Xiao’s voice grew smaller and smaller. Yao Tai could hardly hear it.

“What did you say? Speak louder.”

“Why didn’t I have…”

Yao Tai still couldn’t hear, “Didn’t have what?”

Ling Xiao’s heart sank, and he uttered those unspeakable words.

After Yao Tai heard it clearly, she maintained a strange expression for a while, and tried very hard to suppress it, but Ling Xiao could still tell.

“You promised not to laugh!”

“I’m sorry,” Yao Tai turned to one side with great effort, collected herself, then turned back around, returning as calm and professional Dr. Yao at last.

“In theory, whether it’s the Qizhu or Qizi, as long as one of them begins to develop, the second stage of sex-related characteristics will begin to appear, including the growth of body hair.”

Ling Xiao was worried, “Why don’t I have it then?”

“If there’s been no growth up to now, then there’s only one explanation, and it’s that it’s been affected by the influence of your Qizhu’s subtle personal preferences. Of course, Ying Feng may not be aware of these himself, it’s his subconsciousness that’s causing mischief.”

Ling Xiao’s expression was numb, “So you are saying that if I don’t grow now, in the future, I also…”

“Should not grow anymore.”

Ying Feng watched as Yao Tai personally sent Ling Xiao out. When he went in, he was still lively enough to beat up a tiger or dragon if he wanted to, but when he came out, he was like a ghost.

“What’s the matter? His rating didn’t meet the standard?”

“His psychological rating just reached an
Ait says A here but A- up there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
, congrats to both of you for being able to apply to Yutian.”

Ying Feng sized up Ling Xiao, “Why can’t I see that at all.”

“It’s just that he’s been shaken in other areas, that’s all.”

Ying Feng couldn’t imagine anything else in this world that could shake Ling Xiao, “What area?”

Yao Tai gave him a profound look, “You’ll have to ask yourself that.”

Without figuring out what happened, Ying Feng followed Ling Xiao back to the dormitory. Ling Xiao walked in front of him despondently and refused to say a word.

It wasn’t until they entered the bedroom that Ying Feng forced his shoulders around, “What’s wrong with you?”

Only then did Ling Xiao lift his eyes in resentment, “Ying Feng, I’m already miserable enough as your Qizi, how can you bear to treat me like this?”

Ying Feng was perplexed, “How did I treat you?”

“Do you still have any bit of humanity left!”

“What chaos is this.”

Ling Xiao didn’t want to talk to him anymore so he climbed onto the bed aggrievedly, then choked back his words, hugged his knees, and sat at the head of the bed sulking.

Ying Feng was dissatisfied, and came onto the bed to grab him, “Tell me clearly.”

But how could Ling Xiao voice out such a shameful thing? He kicked his two legs like mad all over the place, trying to drive Ying Feng away, “I won’t!”

Ying Feng grabbed one of his ankles and dragged him out, wanting to do the same to the other one to restrain it, but because the other party struggled so hard, his hand caught the base of his pants, and nearly pulled Ling Xiao’s pants down.

Ling Xiao was so stressed that he didn’t care about anything else anymore. He hurriedly raised his pants in a fluster, and blocked the area between his thighs with both hands.

Such a move instead caught Ying Feng’s attention, and combined with his behavior earlier this morning, Ying Feng felt like he getting a little closer to the crux of this issue.

He pressed Ling Xiao’s legs down and pulled down his pants without giving a reason. Although the candid encounters between the two were not few, this was still the first time in broad daylight. Ling Xiao blushed from ear to ear with shame and resisted with all his might, but was unable to hinder Ying Feng, who was much stronger than him, from cruelly stripping off his pants. Even though he has already
laid bareThis sentence has been reworked to be a lot less subtle cause I can't think of an example in English. The original phrase is 乍泄春光, which literally translates to "leak spring light" but we all know that's not what this sentence means...this whole phrase in context is analagous to the "springtime" (first peek) from looking up one's skirt / naked body
a hundred times, he was once more in
full displayThe original phrase is 春色满园, the literal translation is "full spring garden", now that you know what happens in spring, take this as you will
; places where he wasn't bothered by before were also directly illuminated to now seem inadequate.

Taking advantage of Ying Feng’s skill of being dazed, Ling Xiao pushed him away with all his might. He then jumped up and lifted his pants, feeling ashamed.

“You can fight better than me, you are taller than me, and you have what I don’t have, are you happy now!”

Ying Feng deeply lowered his head, but this certainly did not make Ling Xiao feel any better.

“You’re feeling guilty, huh? It’s too late now! Dr. Yao already said that I can only be like this for the rest of my life!”

Ying Feng lowered his head even more, and also held up a fist to press down on his mouth in sorrow.

“It’s no use regretting it now! It’s no use crying too! You owe me so much you’ll never be able to pay it back in your lifetime! …Wait a minute, you aren’t laughing are you?”

He was stunned. Having known him for ten years, this was the first time he saw Ying Feng laugh. Despite how his expression changed ever so slightly, if it wasn’t someone who was absolutely familiar with him, this change would otherwise be completely imperceptible.

But with this teeny tiny bit of change, to the person who was so familiar with him couldn’t possibly be more familiar, to the eyes of Ling Xiao, the corner of his eyes were laughing, the tip of his brows were laughing, and the mouth that was hidden by a fist was also laughing. His laughter radiated out from his whole body, adding a touch of warmth to this person who was usually cold.

Ling Xiao never expected that the first time he’d see Ying Feng laugh in ten years would actually be because of this…BUT! THIS! IS! NOT! FUNNY! AT! ALL! OK!

Ying Feng turned around and let out a light cough. Ling Xiao instantly flipped out.

“I heard it! I heard you laugh! You really laughed at me! You really laughed at me because of this!”

He jumped all over the bed angrily, grabbed the only pillow he could reach that was next to his hand, and launched a very brutal beating on Ying Feng’s back. For the first time ever, Ying Feng neither dodged nor blocked him, letting him cry, scream, and vent.

At the same time, the so-called “program” was also nervously making a judgment: Is it an attack? Or is it flirting? To stop it or to let it go? Attacking? Flirting? Attack? Flirt?

Forget it, human emotions are too complicated. The system was unable to issue a correct judgment, and finally decided to crash.

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