qizi / 64

t/n: Bing Can => Bingcan, I may change how other names are arranged too. affections value => affections level, they are all the same as long as (I hope) you can understand it’s a measurable feeling. Happy holidays!

The long-awaited, official first day of classes has finally arrived, and Ling Xiao rounded up Hong Mao and the others to head to class first thing in the morning, not expecting the many others that had already beaten them to it. The class was large, with only two or three sets of tables and chairs hugging the wall, so all of their classmates were sitting on the carpet.

These new classmates have already met one another at the Opening Ceremony, but there were too many people there at the time, so it was only today that they had the opportunity to formally introduce themselves one-on-one.

“I’m called Yunshang, my Qizhu Bingxin. We’re from Xiufang Academy.”

“I saw you, that day on Open House,” replied Ling Xiao, recalling how these ladies dealt with an S-level beast imitation so cleanly.

“I also remember you, you were that wheelchaired one,” smiled the young lady with pursed lips.


“But you were pretty good when the exams started, and we also watched the rule challenge yesterday. You’re quite impressive.”

“It’s nothing, it’s all ‘cause I…‘cause Ying Feng was helping down below.”

“They’re the ones who ranked first in the second exam with that single match, passing it with a full score of ten stars,” added Bingcan.

“They’re that good?!” Flunkie-with-three-stars Ling Xiao suddenly felt like they were sparkling.

“Ah, the ones with two-stars are also here,” Ling Xiao called out a corner of the room where one person was on the floor, sitting on a woven mat, while the other was pillowed on his lap, zeroing in on…sleeping.

The two of them had picked an isolated spot, probably because they didn’t want to be disturbed, so everyone consciously kept their distance, everyone except Ling Xiao who bounced up to them.

“Hi, I’m Ling Xiao. Who are you?”

The one who was awake, the Qizhu, felt bewildered for a moment, and immediately introduced himself after.


Ling Xiao felt like this guy was pretty easy-going, so he pointed at the person besides him, “So why’s he sleeping?”

Yuji forced a smile, “Because he happened to lack some sleep after the Adult Ceremony, it left him with some moderate spiritual damage and a problem with drowsiness, so everyday, if there’s a chance to sleep, he’ll sleep, just like now.”

Ling Xiao understood it all too well; this lack of sleep during the disorder period perpetuated his fear of sleepless nights. No matter which way he slept when he went to bed, he’d always have be clinging to Ying Feng when he woke up. His body had naturally formed this sort of conditioned reflex, as if it couldn’t sleep right if it didn’t touch him. The disorder period was just three days, yet the repercussions it left behind were permanent.

And his was still only mild; moderate was obviously much more severe. Although he hadn’t exchanged a word with this person yet, he can already feel a mutual sense of empathy.

“He should sleep some more, I’ll leave you alone,” he whispered before taking off.

The instructor walked in, and the chatter in the class died down. Ling Xiao also returned to sit properly by Ying Feng’s side.

After giving a brief self-introduction, the instructor moved onto the main lesson topic for the day.

“There are presumably some students who have been exposed to spiritual power prematurely. I’m holding this thing in my hand: it is the main combat weapon of the Tianxiu people. Its full name is ‘Spirit and Soul Crystal’, and they are synthesized from soul stones in living creatures and some other materials. When we pour spiritual power into it, we can activate its power.”

“In the past, soul crystals were tools of combat that every Tianxiu person must master, but now, it’s become a special skill that only few can learn. It’s only accessible to the military, the military academy, and maybe some specific positions.”

Oh, so not everyone can use the soul crystals. Bingcan popped up in Ling Xiao’s head.

As though he could read his mind, the instructor called their name, “Bingcan.”


“How did you get your soul crystal?”

“I got it from our academy’s school doctor. She taught me how to use it as well. Her Qizhu works for the medical unit in the military.”

The instructor nodded, “Well, that’s no surprise then. Could you please take it out for everyone to see?”

Bingcan took out his soul crystal, allowing Ling Xiao to now clearly see its true form: a small white crystal that didn’t look particularly unusual.

“Different soul crystals have different grades, and they each have their own different uses and effects. The soul crystal in your fellow classmate Bingcan’s possession is the most basic one in the spiritual arts branch. After using it, you can quickly check a person’s physical condition. Although it isn’t as comprehensive as a check-up with the proper equipment, it’s still highly practical on the battlefield.”

“Everyone sitting here is the best of the best from various elementary institutions. With your abilities, you should be able to learn how to use your spiritual power within three days as well as activate a grade-1 soul crystal, at the minimum. This will be our training assignment for the week.”

The instructor took out 30 soul crystals.

“The department will issue everyone the necessary supply of soul crystals for practice every semester, but if you need more than that, then you’ll have to buy them yourself, or ask some R&D major to make a custom order.”

“This is a grade-0 soul crystal. It has no practical effects, and it’s purely classified as a teaching tool. You’ll master the use of your spiritual power whenever you figure out how to activate it.”

Everyone stepped forward to take one; Ling Xiao and Bingcan had previously met the conditions for using grade-1 soul crystals, and there’s no need to explain Ying Feng—after the three of them collected their practice soul crystals, they clenched their fists, and the soul crystals promptly dissipated, leaving only a ball of white light in the center of their hands.

Seeing their performances, the instructor nodded in approval: the students’ skill levels in this class were indeed quite high.

One after another, a few more gifted classmates gradually mastered it as well. Hong Mao let out a mighty bellow the instant he got it to work, jolting everyone around him.

“What are you so loud for?” Ling Xiao covered his ears.

Focus energyPokemon move
,” answered he, as if it were obvious.

“Not bad.” The instructor asked the others to continue practicing and took out a new set of soul crystals.

“There are three branches of soul crystals: physical arts, elemental arts, and spiritual arts. Every individual’s inborn physique is different, and the amount of spiritual power spent while utilizing soul crystals is also different. Every person will have a forte, and we call this forte, ‘specialization’.”

“For those who specialize in a particular area, utilizing a soul crystal of that branch will halve their spiritual power consumption, and it’s only those that specialize who can use high-grade soul crystals in that branch; for others, the highest they can use is only up to grade-7. Your specialization is fixed, and won’t just change because of hard work and diligence. Before you know what's your specialization, you can use this ‘
sorting-hatOriginal is 测试, so "testing" or "test", implies that it'll test or quiz. Making a Harry Potter reference instead because "test soul crystal" doesn't imply it's the thing that's doing the testing.
’ soul crystal. In order to judge you, it'll randomly pull up a certain expertise.”

“So that’s what they are, I’ll go first!” Hong Mao took the lead; he stepped up, took one, grasped it in the palm of his hands, and held his breath—the moment everyone else saw this pose, they immediately covered their ears in anticipation.

“Huuuh!” Hong Mao activated the soul crystal in his hand, and the muscles on his arms swelled, his veins popping out.

“How does it feel?” asked the instructor.

“I feel so powerful!” After replying, he slapped the table by the wall with his bare hands, “Haa!”

Hands that had already fallen to people’s sides were now raised at this time.

With the wooden table pulverized, the instructor nodded, “Enhanced strength means that you’re a physical arts specialist, suitable for using soul crystals in the physical arts branch. Remember to pay for the table. Who’s next?”

Ling Xiao found it intriguing, “I’ll go!”

He also picked up a soul crystal, and as soon as he squeezed his right hand, the scenery around him changed. He had directly sprang from the indoors to the outdoors, and could still see the people inside the room through the glass.

It didn’t feel too good to experience the feeling of having nothing under his feet, so it was only after a moment that he belatedly realized that this was the third floor.


Ying Feng made a grabbing motion with his hands and caught him without hesitation, pulling him back from outside the
windowHe used "Summon Qizi" here.

“Teleportation is a type of ability in the physical arts branch as well. You’re like him, a physical arts specialist. Wait till you raise your spiritual power to a certain level, then nevermind the third floor, even if it were the 30th floor, you can walk away without a scratch once you’re able to use a ‘featherweight-body’ soul crystal. You can even go up to the rooftop and still not die. But before you reach that degree, I recommend that everyone faces the hallway to test things out.”

Ling Xiao: Why didn’t you say that earlier!

“I wonder which one I am?” Bingcan picked out a soul crystal and grasped it, and then his hand was suffused with a faint white light. At closer inspection, there were still spots of light shimmering around.

The instructor beckoned Hong Mao, “Come here.”

Hong Mao walked over obediently. The instructor drew out a dagger and sliced him on the arm.

Hong Mao: …

“Now place your hand over his cut.”

Bingcan did as told, and then, under that light’s glow, everyone was astonished to see that the cut on Hong Mao’s arm healed up bit by bit. Not even a trace of the wound could be seen at the end.

“Actually, since that time you used a ‘health-screen’ soul crystal, I had a hunch you were probably a spiritual arts specialist, and indeed that’s the case. The skill you used just now is called ‘First-Aid’, and it can treat some minor external injuries. It’s important to note that offensive abilities can harm any species, but healing type abilities can only be used on Tianxiu people, so it’s ineffective on other species.”

“Qizhu’s so awesome! Spiritual arts’ so cool!” cheered Hong Mao, “But why did you have to cut my hand?”

“Alright then, next.”

It was Ying Feng’s turn this time. He activated a ‘sorting-hat’ soul crystal like everyone else before him, but other than the missing soul crystal, nothing happened.

“What just happened?” asked Ling Xiao in shock.

The instructor felt rather surprised as well, “Try that one more time.”

Ying Feng tried it again. The result was still the same.

“If that’s the case…then there’s only one explanation. You are of the extremely rare special branch.”

“Special branch?” buzzed a general burst of voices.

“It means you don’t fall within any of the physical, elemental, or spiritual arts specializations. Whatever soul crystal you use, you can’t enjoy the halved consumption of spiritual power.”

“It’s that awful?” Ling Xiao couldn’t help asking.

“It’s not a bad thing. Rather, this kind of capacity is hard to come by, and because there’s no specialization restrictions, he can use high-grade soul crystals from any other branch. It’s for people whose abilities will be stronger later on. Still quite unexpected though, that our major may produce a special branch student. People who possess this type of genetic constitution are few and far between. There’s probably only one or two in the entire school.”

The instructor fished out a soul crystal that was slightly larger than the ones before.

“You can use Summon Qizi, which means your spiritual power can at least trigger grade-4 soul crystals. Give it a shot.”

Ying Feng accepted it, and this time, it was clear that it took some more effort than before to pour his spiritual power into it. But oddly enough, he still had no reaction.

“Haha,” giggled Hong Mao, “I don’t think you’re of a special branch, but a no good branch. Any soul crystal that makes it to your hand will automatically stop working.”

In his heart, the instructor silently praised Ying Feng. It’s not simply because he had enough spiritual power that he was able to activate a soul crystal…he had never used one before yet was able to accomplish it in one go. Many people needed to make tens or hundreds of attempts before they can do that, then practice a lot more to bring it all together.

This student has an absolutely outstanding aptitude indeed. Coupled with his extremely rare special branch ability, it’s only a matter of time before he inevitably becomes an elite capable of rivaling General Fu Yao.

“Don’t worry. Look.” The instructor pointed to a spot behind the crowd.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” Behind them was Ling Xiao, who had suddenly screamed. He quickly assembled a strange mechanism on his right arm: a silver metal body that was so shiny it reflected light, and a front that was shaped like a dragon’s head. Ling Xiao could even feel the power gushing out of it.

Without needing anyone to teach him, he instinctively clutched his right wrist with his left hand, raised his arm, and aimed the cannon directly at the instructor.

The instructor calmly pointed, “Out the window.”

Ling Xiao panned in that direction. His hand recoiled, and a flare shot out, shattering the glass and flying a good distance before exploding in the air.

“WHOA!” Everyone was gawking at it. After Ling Xiao launched the shot, the mechanism on his arm burst into a puff of smoke, scattering away.

“That was DOPE!” Ling Xiao was so hyped he wanted to have another go.

“See that? That’s our Joint Combat Department’s special combat technique. As a Qizi’s spiritual power gets stronger, the artillery’s power will grow, and the number of times it can be fired will also increase. On top of this, a Qizhu can also use enchanted soul crystals to give the artillery a little boost, such as adding on a fire, electricity, or ice attribute. Don’t you think that’s pretty neat? Oh, and remember to pay for the glass.”

“Can’t students from other departments use our soul crystals?”

“Yes, but they have their training priorities that are completely different from our learning assignments. The Joint Combat Department places a strong emphasis on cooperation, so figuring out how to synergize two individual’s abilities such that it unleashes their maximum potential is the true focus for our department’s training.”

“So when will we get to master those skills just now?” Hong Mao was still dying to try it out.

“Worry not, the level-4 soul crystal is our first-year learning assignment. By the end of the semester, each and every single one of you here will be required to master it.”

“Then wouldn’t Ling Xiao and them have nothing to do for the whole year?”

“Of course not. The biggest difference between our department and other departments is that many of the soul crystals we use have an extra requirement, the affections level. That’s why it’s one of the key items we assessed in the entrance exam.”

“There are some soul crystals that, besides spiritual power, also need enough affections to activate them. Otherwise, you still can’t use them even if you max out your spiritual power. But when there’s a soul crystal that’s inhibited by affections, the higher the affections, the more obvious the effects. If one only focuses on training spiritual power, the ones who are ahead today will gradually fall behind in the future.”

“So according to people’s different circumstances, I’ve formulated personalized lesson plans. Please take a look.”

The instructor tapped some stuff on his terminal and every student received a class schedule.

As soon as Ling Xiao opened his schedule, his face went
The literal Chinese character. If used in the sentence, "he grew mortified."
: “What is this?”

Hong Mao gathered around, and right after he saw it, he burst out laughing.

He only saw that Ling Xiao had just one course scheduled for every Wednesday and Friday afternoon: Falling in Love.

“This is so…” Ling Xiao stretched his neck over to look at Ying Feng’s, “Yours too?”

Ying Feng’s face was unreadable, “What do you think?”

Fine. Ling Xiao also thought it was a stupid question.

But, “But this class, how do you take it?”

“This, you’re free to organize however you wish. But no matter which method you use, your affections must reach seven stars before the end of this semester. It’s the minimum required in our major, so if you fall short, you’ll be forced to transfer departments.”

He pointed at the two pairs, Ying Feng’s and Yuji’s, “I’m talking about: You. Boys. Got it?”

The four people with complicated expressions: “…Got it.”

The author has something to say:

Add the day, month, and year you are born together, and keep adding these digits together until it reaches a single digit to get your own specialization type.

For example, 10/14/2014, 10+14+2014=2028; 2+0+2+8=12; 1+2=3.

The result: 1-3 is physical arts specialization, 4-6 is elemental arts specialization, 7-9 is spiritual arts specialization, and 0 is for the special branch.



Thanks for translating! I’m really enjoying this novel and your translation is so much better than the rest 💗

Hey...so I guess you must be busy with life...Its been a long time...hope to see you soon with chap 65

Ling xiaoxiao on
I'll be waiting ❤️ actually I've finished this novel now, but I still want to reread once the tl is complete, and I want everyone to read this amazing novel too. I'm sure many of them will start immediately if the tl is complete. Have a great and memorable vacation!


Нина on
Большое спасибо за новые главы и ваш труд. Перевод супер!

Actually, I've already read this novel but something compelled me to re-read it, and sadly the other tl removed(?) the chapters they did. But you are doing a good translating job, and I hope you have/had a great vacation! Can't wait for the next update! Thank you for translating!

I'm quite curious about the Yuji's pair. Gotta wonder if the reason their in the joint department was in order to fix their relationship, unlike others. It's two star. My first thought was, "there was someone even more stubborn than Ling Xiao and rejected his Qizhu's help!" Of course there was chances of Yuji unwilling to help in the first place. Hope to learn more about them! I do think the two pair got the hardest assignment at the moment, though the rest of the class may disagree with me. Thanks for the chapters!

Thank you so much for doing an awesome job at translating this and enjoy your well deserved vacation!

Thank you for translating looking forward to future updates!!

Pasty Pirate on
It's amusing that they have been directed to flirt and go on dates during school hours. 🤣

Thank you for translation! Kept up good work

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